Today's feature article
is: Multiply Your Links. Read it below!
I feel the most effective
way to get people to link to your web site is by offering web masters
the option of giving away your free stuff. In exchange, they link to
your web site. Why would other web masters want to do this? They may
want give away a freebie to draw traffic to their web site. They also
may not have the time, knowledge or skills to give away certain types
of electronic freebies from their web site.
Your links will just keep
multiplying. When a web master offers your freebie to his or her
visitors. Those visitors may decide to also give away your freebie.
And so on and so on... The more people that link to your web site the
more traffic you'll get. Below are four of the most popular types of
freebies given away on the internet to increase traffic.
Offer free software from your web site. The software could be freeware, shareware or demos.
Offer a free online
service from your web site. The online service could be an e-mail
account, search engine submission or e-mail consulting, etc.
Free Information
Offer valuable free
information from your web site. The information could be a report,
article, e-book, online audio recording or e-mail course, etc.
Free Affiliate Program
Offer a free affiliate
program from your web site. The affiliate program could be pay per
sale, click through, two tiered, etc.
Now, I know, there are
many other ways to get links like trading or exchanging links with
other web sites or joining a banner exchange. You can also do joint
ventures or cross promoting. I feel these are not as effective as
multiplying your links. I hope this article can help you increase
traffic to your web site.
Quote of the Day: "Love
is not some complex, mystical abstraction. It is something accessible
and human that we learn through our everyday experience, as often at
times of failure as in moments of ecstasy." -- Leo Buscaglia
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